Visual Fox pro is having great feature to connect to All Other Database Servers for Back-end Data.
There are many features for using Database Server with VFP but a few major reasons for using Other Databases are as follows:-
1.Due to some limitation in VFP DBC/table goes corrupted at some point when accidentally shutdown occurs of PC/OS due to failure of Electricity of some Hardware Problem.
2. In Multi user Environment, Programmer has to manage much more with many precautions when using VFP native DBC/tables. i.e, Record Locking, File Locking, Exclusive use of tables, etc.
I seen many Question for searching method/procedure How to Connect VFp to Database server (i.e. SQLserver,Oracle,MYSQL, Postgress,Maria DB etc.).
Here is bellow code which will help you for your own coding & connecting to Any of above mentioned server.
NOTE: Mostly Connect Strings are listed here, you can choose or UN-comment line which you required.
*gnConnHandle =SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBCDriver; Database=&mDatabase;
There are many features for using Database Server with VFP but a few major reasons for using Other Databases are as follows:-
1.Due to some limitation in VFP DBC/table goes corrupted at some point when accidentally shutdown occurs of PC/OS due to failure of Electricity of some Hardware Problem.
2. In Multi user Environment, Programmer has to manage much more with many precautions when using VFP native DBC/tables. i.e, Record Locking, File Locking, Exclusive use of tables, etc.
I seen many Question for searching method/procedure How to Connect VFp to Database server (i.e. SQLserver,Oracle,MYSQL, Postgress,Maria DB etc.).
Here is bellow code which will help you for your own coding & connecting to Any of above mentioned server.
NOTE: Mostly Connect Strings are listed here, you can choose or UN-comment line which you required.
********************************************* * Author : witten by Zia Mughal * CopyRight : Pcland Software Inc. Pakistan * ********************************** public MB_OKBUTTON,MB_STOPSIGNICON, gnconnhandle LOCAL lcserver,lcusername,lcpassword,lcdatabase , lcok store 0 to MB_OKBUTTON store 16 to MB_STOPSIGNICON STORE .f. TO lcok lcserver = 'localhost' lcusername = 'abc' lcpassword = 'abc12345' lcdatabase = 'data1' lcok=CONNECTSERVER(lcserver,lcusername,lcpassword,lcdatabase) ******gnconnhandle= SQLCONNECT("ospos") &&&
*** for odbc DNS direct connection use your own odbc name IF lcok = .t. MESSAGEBOX('Connect Successfully to Server',0+64,'') =disconnectserver() ENDIF RETURN ********************************** PROCEDURE CONNECTSERVER param mserver,muid,mpass,mdatabase *********************************** LOCAL tmpresult *gnConnHandle = && define it Public from calling routine tmpresult = SQLSetProp(0, 'DISPLOGIN', 3) ********** Sql Server Connection ***gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("Driver=SQL Server;Server=&mserver; UID=&muid;PWD=&mpass;Database=&mdatabase") ** On Tcp/IP: *gnConnHandle = SQLStringConnect("Driver=SQL Server;Server=; UID=&logname;PWD=&mypass;Database=global") ************ Dsn Connect string *STORE SQLSTRINGCONNECT("DSN=FOXSQL;uid=&muid;pwd=&mpass;database=&mdatabase") TO gnConnHandle *STORE SQLSTRINGCONNECT("DSN=LocalServer;UID=&muid;PWD=&mpass;Database=&mdatabase") TO gnConnHandle **************Oracle string
**gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect( "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server= &mserverr;Uid=&muide;Pwd=&mpass;")
**gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;
************MYSQL String
** gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;Server=&mserver;
** gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver;Server=&mserver;
***Postgress String
* gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER={PostgreSQL odbc driver(unicode)};server=&mserver
;Port=5432;Database=&mdatabase; Uid=&muid;Pwd=&mpass;" )
gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER={PostgreSQL odbc driver(ANSI)};server=&mserver;
Port=5432;Database=&mdatabase; Uid=&muid;Pwd=&mpass;" )
***PSQL SERVER 2012 & SQLlocaldb string
*gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0};
***Ms Access string
*gnConnHandle= sqlstringconnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver ;(*.mdb)};Dbq=&mDatabase;Uid=&muid;Pwd=&mpass")***SQLLITE3 *** **** Specify location in Database parameter called i.e c:\my.db |
LongNames=0; Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0; SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;")
IF gnConnHandle < 0 LOCAL ARRAY laError[1] AERROR(laError) ************ Display output of error MESSAGEBOX( laError[2],MB_OKBUTTON + MB_STOPSIGNICON,"Error " ; + TRANSFORM(laError[5])) RETURN .F. ENDIF RETURN .T. endproc ***---------------------------- end of Connect server PROCEDURE alive parameter handle if handle < 0 return .f. endif return .t. endproc PROCEDURE RUNSQL PARAMETERS pcSQL, Viewname LOCAL lnRetVal IF LEN(ALLTRIM(viewname)) = 0 lnRetVal = SQLEXEC(gnConnHandle, pcSQL) ELSE lnRetVal = SQLEXEC(gnConnHandle, pcSQL, viewname) ****lnResult = SQLExec(gnConnHandle, lcSQL, View_Name) ENDIF IF lnRetVal < 0 LOCAL ARRAY laError[1] AERROR(laError) MESSAGEBOX( ; laError[2], ; MB_OKBUTTON + MB_STOPSIGNICON, ; "Error " + TRANSFORM(laError[5])) RETURN .F. ELSE RETURN .t. ENDIF RETURN endproc ******** ********************** procedure disconnectserver
if gnConnHandle >= 0 = SQLDISCONNECT(gnConnHandle) close database return .t. endif return .f. endproc
Enjoy the life!
My Respects!