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Monday, 12 May 2014

How to Hide Black RUN window in VFP

Visual Fox pro RUN | ! command runs any external program using cmd.exe. But it shows Black window running in background of called Program by RUN command and it remains open till called program is active.

As alternative of RUN script can be run but it has dependencies for windows scripting to be installed & enabled to run Client/server system.

[Recomended Solution]
I prefer to use myself & recommend Windows API Call shellExecute(), which works as alternative to above both methods. It does not shows any Black window in your developed application to make it UGLY for user dis-appointment.

Why not Shellexec() Alone to use.?

I used windows Sleep() function  & CMD with Shellexec() in my runfile() function.

Trick implement in runfile() function is that Shellexec() calls  'CMD' to run the passed parameter in string variable. Shellexec() executes 'CMD'  as silent application, Finally we get Rid of UGLY Black windows to display on screen.

CMD can run all  windows application as well as DOS internal commands are supported .
Hence we can run all DOS supported commands in runfile() which can not be executed alone in Shellexec().

see bellow image running Notepad.exe with no-background Black window.

Bellow is my function Code which is replacement of all you required to hide Black window.
* Author :     witten by Zia Mughal
* CopyRight :  Pcland Software Inc. Pakistan
=runfile("notepad.exe", "untitled.txt" )

FUNCTION runfile
PARAMETERS rfile, lcmdpara
DECLARE INTEGER ShellExecute IN shell32.dll ; 
INTEGER hndWin, ; 
STRING cAction, ; 
STRING cFileName, ; 
STRING cParams, ;  
STRING cDir, ; 
local lcCMD, lcParas
lcCmd = rfile   && command to Execute 
lcParas = lcmdpara   && Extra parameter to pass your command 
 * --- Execute the command.
****   shellExecute last parameter 0  will hide DOS window
***  If you want to show DOS window change it to value  1 

ShellExecute(0,'open','cmd', '/C'+lcCmd+' '+lcParas, '',0)
sleep(2000)  && delay time to come  back
 *** sleep value  can be reduced according to your need
CLEAR DLLS ShellExecute
* --- Return to caller.

 Hi Folks!

This is all what i did, now its upon your will to adopt the way to complete your task!


Zia Mughal

Running Applications with full Access on WIndows 7/8

Microsoft Changed it Security with better Security Policy  for Windows 7, Windows 8 & onward Releases.
They introduced  UAC (User Authentication Control), comparatively  is best feature then Xp or Previous OS released by Microsoft. By default on New OS installation it becomes effective.

Many users did not know UAC features & benefits because there already installed/ running applications on XP becomes effected  under UAC control, which needs setting to be done on Windows 7, Windows 8 or later version.

Some of default restricted UAC locations are as follows
Main root C:\ , C:\windows & all sub folders  (including all exe, dll, etc)
c:\Program files\  etc.
in these above areas we can not create/delete  manualy or Programmatically any file  without 'Administrator Rights'

To run effected applications user needs to adjust his applications as per his needs, because default setting for all applications become in tight position.

[RUN as Administrator Settings]

Setting & Running a application as 'Administrator' does not effect the whole UAC (user Authentication Control) of OS. we can use Windows 7/8 compatibility mode for running your applications.

1. Right click on your application Program (Exe,App)  then click ->Properties
2. click on "Compatibility" tab.
3. "Check mark" the option "Run this program as an administrator"  and Click "Apply"

[Backward Compatibility Settings]

Microsoft provided this feature  for those application which were designed for windows XP or All backward OS. To run those Old Applications we need to set this feature for every application we want to RUN on Windows 7, Windows 8.

Setting this feature does not effect all  OS applications behavior as backward. It will assign compatability environment to only application whom you are setting.

1. Right click on your application then click ->Properties

2. click on "Compatibility" tab.

3. "Check mark"  both options and Click "Apply"

  i) "Run this Program in Compatible Mode"
     ->select Windows XP (service Pack 3)  or any other OS you required from list.
 ii) "Run this program as an administrator" This  is optional if you required it.


Hope this will RUN your effected application till Next Release of Windows by Microsoft !

Zia Mughal

Saturday, 3 May 2014

How to Enable VFP9 Help under WINDOW 8

VF9 help is written in dv_foxhelp.chm file. When any user Upgrades his operating system from Windows 7 to windows 8 or installs new copy of window 8 directly. Suddenly he experiences that in VFP help stops working.

All this happens due to Microsoft is increasing its UAC & security of its new OS  or might be a guess not confirmed its new policy to make harder day by day related to Old application to retire permanently.

Any how thanks again Microsoft that there was a manual driven  way was left for Programmers/Developer to do, & switch on the blocked Applications to RUN on Windows 8 & 8.1.

Many website site & blogs are full off Question  regarding 'How to enable VFP9 help to run on window 8'.
This driven me to write this post on Blog for all who are in search for this answer.

1. Open your Directory/Folder of VFP9, find file dv_foxhelp.chm  Right click & see Properties figure 1.1.

Figure 1.1

2. See its default properties will be as bellow shown in figure 1.2.

Figure 1.2

 3. Select by click on your windows user from you logged in or if you want to assign it to all 'Authenticated user'.   finally click on EDIT button
You will find only two permission are by default assigned 'Read & execute' , 'Read'  but not effective to execute in VFP,  So Check mark 'Allow' the all controls  which were not assigned  (indicated in picture as RED Arrow)  & Click on "Apply" button.

Figure 1.3

4. After 'Apply' you will be back into dv_foxHelp.chm Properties window. Now you can see 'Green Arrow' indication changes made to properties of dv_foxHelp.chm file.

This was all Story for that, we were facing problem to run VFP9 Help with in remaining Visual foxpro by hitting F1 key.

Hope it will help you & make you easier to enjoy!


Zia Mughal

Monday, 21 April 2014

VFP connect to Any DataBase Server

Visual Fox pro is having great feature to connect to All Other Database Servers  for  Back-end Data.
There are many features for using Database Server with VFP but a few major reasons for using Other Databases are as follows:-

1.Due to some limitation in VFP DBC/table goes corrupted at some point when accidentally shutdown occurs of PC/OS due to failure of Electricity of some Hardware Problem.

2. In Multi user Environment, Programmer has to manage much more with many precautions when using  VFP native DBC/tables. i.e, Record Locking, File Locking, Exclusive use of tables, etc.

I seen many Question for searching method/procedure How to Connect VFp to Database server  (i.e. SQLserver,Oracle,MYSQL, Postgress,Maria DB etc.).

Here is bellow code which will help you for your own coding & connecting to Any of above mentioned server.

NOTE: Mostly Connect Strings are listed here, you can choose or UN-comment line which you required.

* Author :     witten by Zia Mughal
* CopyRight :  Pcland Software Inc. Pakistan
public MB_OKBUTTON,MB_STOPSIGNICON, gnconnhandle
LOCAL lcserver,lcusername,lcpassword,lcdatabase , lcok

store 0 to MB_OKBUTTON
STORE .f. TO lcok

lcserver = 'localhost'
lcusername = 'abc'
lcpassword = 'abc12345'
lcdatabase = 'data1'

******gnconnhandle= SQLCONNECT("ospos")   &&& 
*** for odbc DNS direct connection use your own odbc name
IF lcok = .t.
MESSAGEBOX('Connect Successfully to Server',0+64,'')

param mserver,muid,mpass,mdatabase
LOCAL tmpresult
*gnConnHandle =  && define it Public from calling routine
tmpresult = SQLSetProp(0, 'DISPLOGIN', 3)

********** Sql Server Connection
***gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("Driver=SQL Server;Server=&mserver;
**  On Tcp/IP:
*gnConnHandle = SQLStringConnect("Driver=SQL Server;Server=;

************ Dsn Connect string
*STORE SQLSTRINGCONNECT("DSN=FOXSQL;uid=&muid;pwd=&mpass;database=&mdatabase")
   TO gnConnHandle
*STORE SQLSTRINGCONNECT("DSN=LocalServer;UID=&muid;PWD=&mpass;Database=&mdatabase") 
  TO gnConnHandle

**************Oracle string
 **gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect( "Driver={Microsoft ODBC for Oracle};Server=
 **gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=SQL Server Native Client 11.0;
 ************MYSQL String
** gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver;Server=&mserver;
** gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver;Server=&mserver;

***Postgress String
* gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER={PostgreSQL odbc driver(unicode)};server=&mserver
;Port=5432;Database=&mdatabase; Uid=&muid;Pwd=&mpass;" )
 gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("DRIVER={PostgreSQL odbc driver(ANSI)};server=&mserver;
Port=5432;Database=&mdatabase; Uid=&muid;Pwd=&mpass;" )

***PSQL SERVER 2012 & SQLlocaldb string
*gnConnHandle= SQLStringConnect("Driver={SQL Server Native Client 11.0}; 

***Ms Access string
*gnConnHandle=  sqlstringconnect("Driver={Microsoft Access Driver ;(*.mdb)};Dbq=&mDatabase;Uid=&muid;Pwd=&mpass")

***SQLLITE3 ***

**** Specify location in Database parameter called i.e c:\my.db
*gnConnHandle =SQLStringConnect("DRIVER=SQLite3 ODBCDriver; Database=&mDatabase
LongNames=0; Timeout=1000;NoTXN=0; SyncPragma=NORMAL;StepAPI=0;")

IF gnConnHandle < 0
LOCAL ARRAY laError[1]
************ Display output of error
+ TRANSFORM(laError[5]))
***---------------------------- end of Connect server

parameter handle
if handle < 0
return .f.
return .t.

LOCAL lnRetVal

IF LEN(ALLTRIM(viewname)) = 0
 lnRetVal = SQLEXEC(gnConnHandle, pcSQL)
  lnRetVal = SQLEXEC(gnConnHandle, pcSQL, viewname) 
  ****lnResult = SQLExec(gnConnHandle, lcSQL, View_Name)

IF lnRetVal < 0
LOCAL ARRAY laError[1]
laError[2], ;
"Error " + TRANSFORM(laError[5]))

procedure disconnectserver
if gnConnHandle >= 0
close database
return .t.
return .f.

Enjoy the life!
My Respects!

Tuesday, 8 April 2014

Reset Bulk/specific VFP FORM Dataenvironment to NULL

VFP developers faces problem when  he had to make structure change in his source project regarding Data-environment. Then he had to make a lot  manual efforts to change every form or  any specific form.

Bellow is example code with function fmb_DenvNull which can help to remove Data environment cursors references in one one call.
*  Reset Form Dataenvironment to NULL
*  form_dataen.prg
*  Author:    Zia Mughal (2013)
*  Copy right (R) Pcland Software inc. Pakistan


create table scxname ( fname c(30))
index on fname tag fname
IF ! USED("scxname.dbf")
USE scxname ALIAS scxname again IN 11

SELECT scxname
append from array scxlist
IF ! BOF()
GO top

SELECT scxname
if fmb_DenvNull(fname)= .f.
MESSAGEBOX('Error Restting Dataenvironment to NULL in Form: ' +;

MESSAGEBOX('All files Successfulyy cleared Dataenvironment: ',0+64,;

FUNCTION fmb_DenvNull
LOCAL llresult, lcstring
STORE .f. TO llresult
lcstring = "Top = 0" + CHR(13)+ "Left = 0" + CHR(13) + "Width = 0"+ CHR(13)+;
"Height = 0" + CHR(13) + "DataSource = .NULL." + CHR(13) +;
"Name = 'Dataenvironment'"

IF !FILE(lcfile)

USE &lcfile ALIAS prs IN 1

IF ! BOF()
GO top

LOCATE FOR objname='Dataenvironment'  AND class='dataenvironment'

replace [properties] WITH lcstring
replace [reserved2] WITH '1'
replace [reserved4] WITH '1'
DELETE ALL FOR class='cursor'
STORE .t. TO llresult

RETURN llresult


Sunday, 6 April 2014

How to Hide Password of Vfp REMOTE VIEWS in DBC

VFP Remote data Views are accessed  via stored  name connection string  in DBC with "Create Connection" command in plain text format.By default VFP stored connection string  have no protection/native way to be secured by developer for security.

Any one can with a little bit knowledge of VFP programming can easily read 'password' from VFP Command window by opening database.

Programmatic Solution

Here is simple & easy way to protect your Connection string in external file Programmatically with two custom written functions encode_dbcon function, decode_dbcon function.

Description  & Usage

encode_dbcon function saves all your created connection from DBC to external text delimited file and deletes all connections from DBC permanently. After saving to file any external encrypting/decrypting utility/DLL (i.e cipher.exe, ) can be used  with your own 'Password' to more encrypt external created file to protect from reading.

decode_dbcon function: use this function  in your application main program before opening your DBC programmatically or accessing DBC from data environment. your Exe/App will call decode_dbcon function.
which will decrypt your saved file with your  password save in exe/app, then will import all connections from decrypted text file into DBC before opening it.

Code bellow is for your concept only not full utility, you can modify it according to your concept. 
*  Hide/Protect DBC Remote connections/string 
*  Author:    Zia Mughal (2012)
*  Copy right (R) Pcland Software inc. Pakistan

****example to Save existing All connections to file
IF encode_dbcon('prs.dbc') = .f.
 WAIT WINDOW "No Remote Connections/Error Saving"
WAIT WINDOW "Successfulyy saved All Connections"

*** Retrieve connections from protected file, 
IF decode_dbcon('prs.dbc') = .f.
 WAIT WINDOW "Error Retriving Connections"
WAIT WINDOW "Successfulyy Restored All Connections"

FUNCTION encode_dbcon
LOCAL llresult
STORE .f. TO llresult
IF !FILE(lcfile)

 USE &lcfile ALIAS prs IN 1
 LOCATE FOR objecttype='Connection'  && .AND. ObjectName='Connect1'
IF found()
STORE .t. TO llresult
***** use filter for only one connection or All connection to save
COPY TO csave.txt FOR objecttype='Connection' && .AND. ObjectName='Connect1'
** here use any file protection utility to protect csave.txt
** cepher csave.txt mypassword
STORE .f. TO llresult
RETURN llresult

FUNCTION decode_dbcon
LOCAL llresult
STORE .f. TO llresult
IF !FILE(lcfile)
 RETURN llresult

 USE &lcfile ALIAS prs IN 1
IF ! EOF()
 GO bott
** if file is protected with any utility then, decode it
** first before append
** e.g. cepher -d '12345' csave.txt 
APPEND FROM csave.txt
    llresult = .t.
RETURN llresult

Thanks for bearing me here! Hope it will help you.

Cheers & Regards

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Clear Printer "Saved Environment" in VFP FRX Programatically

Visual Fox pro Report Designer 

Microsoft Visual Foxpro 9 Report Designer  has a new feature  to "Save Printer Environment" at report Design time. This feature was not available in previous versions of Visual Fox pro i.e VFP6,7,8

Application Implementation: 

Many of VFP developers face problem when they launch their developed Desktop application project on client machine due to difference of Printer model.

 There might be several reasons but most common/major reason are :

  • Different Printer Model availability  at client premises which is not compatible with Printer driver selected  at report design time.
  • By developers  mistake Wrong Selection of Printer model at Report Design time.

Regenrate Project & Generate New EXE

Ultimately they have to regenerate their application  from source code & amend the FRX, save & re-compile the project to generate new app/exe. This makes wastage of time and today's era time is the money.

Resting value of "Save Printer Environment" in  a few reports will be easy but in bulk number will be a quite difficult and time consuming. so how can we reduce this time by programmatically, i have written bellow code which we can use to reset to default (do not save printer environment) of all reports in few seconds.
**  Reset_frxenv.prg
**  clear flag of 'save Printer Environment' 
**  Used in FRX files
**  Programmed : Zia Mughal
**  Copy Right (R) Pcland Software Inc.Pakistan
create table frxname ( fname c(30))
index on fname tag fname
IF ! USED("frxname.dbf")
USE frxname ALIAS frxname again IN 11

SELECT frxname
append from array frxlist
IF ! BOF()
GO top

SELECT frxname
if rest_prn_env(fname)= .f.
MESSAGEBOX('Error Reseting Environment in report file: ' +fname,0+16,;

MESSAGEBOX('All files converted Successfully: ',0+64,"")


FUNCTION rest_prn_env
PARAMETERS lcfrxfile
LOCAL lcstatus, lCstring, lfile

STORE .f. TO lcstatus
lcstring = 'ORIENTATION=0' +CHR(13) + 'PAPERSIZE=9';
 + CHR(13) + 'COLOR=1'
IF ! FILE(lcfrxfile)
RETURN lcstatus

IF ! USED(lcfrxfile)
USE &lcfrxfile ALIAS rstfrx IN 1

SELECT rstfrx
IF ! BOF()
GO top

REPLACE [expr] WITH lcstring
replace [tag] WITH ''
replace [tag2] WITH ''
STORE .t. TO lcstatus

SELECT rstfrx
USE &lcfrxfile
RETURN lcstatus

Hope this will help Programmers to save their valuable time.

Mr Jun Tangunan had briefly explained in his blog on the topic "when to save and when not to!"

Friday, 4 April 2014

How to Run Old FPD App/Exe in Windows 7/8

Technology Race:

Due to fastest revolution in  Software/Information Technology, inventions are coming much faster day after another and will remain in future,  even we can not deny this difference and can declare it as UNIVERSAL truth.
In-fact today's moderate era of  information Technology, many of the countries of world are still Back in  implementation of technology as well as today's moderate / modal counties of world.There are several reasons for this which may vary each other.

I have seen several searches & question on different sites i.e.( Foxite forum, Google etc.) regarding old Foxpro DOS developed  Applications to Run on New PC/LAPTOP Hardware coming with installed OS Windows 7/ Windows 8.

Microsoft has already expired customer support for Foxpro  DOS many years ago, even its moderate release Visual Fox Pro 9.0 published in 2007 support will end 2015.

Re-writing /conversion of  existing FPD application is time taking process, so as immediate/emergency running old app's as it basis is solution. For long term basis it is recommended that ultimately re-designed in latest version of VFP 9.0.
On foxite forum Ernesto Paez putted  a similar question to run FPD Dos in windows 7 for Printing (USB port) Bar codes with a .com TSR . Thread gone so long long,  as well as email communication to give him a complete understanding.  For easy understanding i decided to write  immediate solutions here at my blog.
This is my first time to blog as it will be memorial for me forever.

Standard Solution:

Microsoft have given Backward Compatibility Option to Run backward OS compatible applications.
Setting & Running a application as backward compatibility does not effect the whole UAC (user Authentication Control) of OS. we can use Windows 7/8 compatibility mode for running FPD application.
There is limitation in Printing in this method on USB Port Printers.

1. Right click on your application then click ->Properties
2. click on "Compatibility" tab.
3. "Check mark"  both options and Click "Apply"
  i) "Run this Program in Compatible Mode"
     ->select Windows Xp (service Pack 2)
 ii) "Run this program as an administrator"

Figure 1.1
Advance Solution (Recommended):
We can use third party software emulator "DOSBOX"  (current release is  0.74) which support all old DOS software including any TSR program in .com format.Standard software is developed/released under Open Source license of another link DOSBox. , Andriod  DOS Software's can  run successfully under this standard release,  but  limitation in Printing

I recommend here for another release of "DOSBOX MEGABUILD" ( which support the printing of documents on both USB and Parallel port.
By modifying config file of dosbox "DosBox.Conf" printing can be redirected to multiple/single page PNG Graphic format or can be redirected to file. Spooled file can be later used for printing by other third party Dos re-director printing software like DOSPRN (, DOS2USB ( Printfil (, etc.

Tips for Configuring DosBox:
 After installation of Dosbox, Right click on shortcut of Dosbox then click on "Open File Location" to go in folder of dosbox where it is installed. Find there "DOSBox.conf " file. Open it in NotePad.exe editor. Jump to end of file, see [autoexec]
# Lines in this section will be run at startup.
in this section we can  map with "mount" command  any folder as drive letter which may exist  at local hard drive or shared network location on another PC.e.g
mount f:   d:\foxpro
mount h: \\server\d
For Printing :
Go to Section  [printer], as default printer is false in config enable it by changing value to
if you are having Parallel port then GO to Section [parallel]
for direct output to print port change default value from 'disabled' to
to re-direct  printing to file e.g. location at C drive in TEMP folder.
parallel1= file append:c:\temp\prnspl

This blog is related to Running  FPD application under windows 7/ windows 8, so for more DOSBox options refer to DOSBox website DOSBox.

Hope it will give a way to Fox Pro DOS programmer's to run there application under windows 8.

Cheers & My respects!